Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Friends

Thank you to Mrs. Wedel and Mr. Kraft for reading to our class today. We all agreed, after Mr. Kraft sang the words of a book to us, that he's ready for American Idol!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Releasing our ladybugs

Today we released our ladybugs into our peace garden!

Math Stations

We are measuring our bodies, playing math games on the iPads, using pattern blocks, and playing math board games.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ladybug face painting!

We will release our ladybugs into the peace garden tomorrow!
We are sad to see them leave, but we know they will do good work in our garden!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Our ladybugs are changing...

Most of our ladybugs have entered into the pupa stage of the life cycle. A few of them have changed into adult ladybugs! We are feeding them a moist raisin and keeping a close eye on their changes.


The students are learning about measurement in math. We used a non-standard unit of measurement to measure classroom items. The children worked with partners and recorded their estimations.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Friend

Thank you to Mrs. Fialka for reading to our class today.

Writing a Spring Haiku

Poetry time

In honor of National Poetry Month, the students are learning how to write a Haiku. Today we counted the syllables in some words that describe spring. We will use those words to write our own Japanese Haiku that includes three lines that are made up of a 5-7-5 syllable pattern.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sorting fractions

Today we made our own puzzles and put them back together following directions, "put three-fourths of your puzzle together.", etc. We also sorted fractions.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Our Ladybugs have arrived!

What an exciting morning! We received our ladybug larvae and habitat today. We started learning about the ladybug life cycle and other interesting ladybug facts. Once their cycle is complete we will keep our new ladybugs for a few days and then release them into our Kennerly Peace Garden. Stay tuned for lots of fun with ladybugs!

Fractions are Everywhere

We started learning about fractions in math this week. Have fun talking to your child about all the ways you can make simple fractions every day. We played a fun game and used our whiteboard to learn more about fractions during math stations.