Saturday, January 26, 2013

One Hundred Days of School

It's the 100th day of school and we are 100 days smarter!!
We had fun doing lots of exciting activities in math and writing to celebrate the 100th
day of school!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Friend

Thank you to Mrs. Willcott for reading to our class on our 100th day of school!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Friend

Thank you to Mrs. Little for coming to our class to read today AND for wearing her pajamas!
Thank you to Mr. Reichert for coming to read to our class today too! We love our Friday Friends!

Spelling Stars

Thank you to Gracie Stetzel for representing our first grade class in the annual Kennerly Spelling Bee. Also, to Nicole Thomas for studying the spelling words as an alternate. Way to go girls!!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Making Cards and Hearts

Making Valentines for the soldiers in Afghanistan. Thank you to Grace's mom for sending these cards from our class.
We are also making cards for Our friend, Blake. He is in the hospital. We hope that he will be back in school soon! We miss you, Blake!

Revising and partner editing

This week we added "spider legs" to our writing. We used these "legs" to add words to our stories. We also spent time with a partner to edit our stories together.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Classroom Leaders

This week the students began taking on the responsibility of leading our daily morning routine.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Retelling The Mitten by Jan Brett

Today we read two versions of the folk tale, The Mitten. We used a graphic organizer to compare and contrast the two stories. We made mittens and cut out the characters from the story. We used our cut outs to retell the story to our partners. Ask your child to retell the story to you!

Friday friends

Thank you to Mrs. Fialka and Mrs. Sweeney for reading to our class today!