Monday, September 3, 2012

Week Of September 4th

I hope everyone had a nice, long weekend.  It was so great to see many of you last week during our Currouiculum Night.  I hope that you left with a better understanding of what our first grade classroom looks like.  I will try to keep you informed weekly with classroom updates.

A look at the classroom this week...

Reading - We will be focusing on Nonfiction for the next 4 weeks.

*We will be noticing differences in fiction and nonfiction texts.
*Asking questions to focus on what we want to learn.
*Deciding what to read to answer our questions: locating information
*Monitoring and revising our questions
*Using pictures and context to learn about new words
*Learning about topics and supporting details
*Writing about our new learning: organizing our thinking
*Sharing new learning

Writing - We will be using different craft techniques the next four weeks to emphasize the message in our writing. The types of craft techniques that will be studied include:

*Varied sentence lengths
*Different sentence beginnings
*Sound effects
*Figurtive Language
*Showing thoughts and feelings
*Small Moment and Many Moment Stories

Some of the authors that you may want to explore that use these different craft techniques include:

*Ezra Jack Keats
*Angela Johnson
*Jane Yolan
*Cynthia Rylant
*Donald Crews
*Eve Bunting
*Mem Fox

Talk to your child about his/her daily writing activities.  Encourage them to try some of the techniques these authors use in their own daily writing during Writers' Workshop. 

Math - We will be exploring order property to achieve the sum.  The children will recognize that 2+3 =5 as well as 3+2=5.  We will play games and continue to work through our math book and extra practice and challenge pages.  Your child may come home with an extra practice or a challenge page for homework.

Social Studies- We are continuing our unit on, "Families."  Please help your child remember to complete and return the interview on his/her Grandparent by this Tuesday.

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