Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Party

What an awesome Halloween party!  Lots of yummy treats, creative crafts, and fun games!  Thanks to all of the party parent/grandparents for all of your help! 

Challenge Interactive Math

The students had fun trying to beat the clock while finding some quick sums!

Macy's Birthday

Macy's mom came in to read a book to the class on Macy's birthday!  Thanks for sharing two great Halloween books with us.  Don't forget to let me know if you would like to come in and read a book on your child's birthday.  You can join your child for lunch at 11:30 and then stay and read to our class.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Conferences Next Week

Hope to see all of you next week during your scheduled conference time. 

Cystic Fibrosis Walk

Hey Parents!
Looking for something fun to do this weekend? Want to spend some time with your child and other Kennerly families while supporting a great cause? Click on the link below to find out more about the Cystic Fibrosis Walk/Run this Saturday, October 27th. Mrs. Smith, Blake's mom, can also answer any other questions you may have concerning this event.

Book Fair next week

Next week is the Kennerly Book Fair.  Today your child visited the fair and wrote down the books that he/she would like to purchase.  Please see the form that they brought home today in their green folder. Your child can bring money to school Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday next week to purchase a book or books during lunch recess.  If you would like to purchase the book for them the Fair will be open during conferences next week. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Save labels from Sunny D drinks!

Message from P.T.P.
Please turn in Sunny D labels - Put them in a baggie and send to school with your child.
**Just to recap: 20 labels = 20 free books - November 15th - send all labels to Jennifer Andonoff - marked with your classroom (so everyone gets their 20 labels). I'm sure Mrs. Gries can collect those and send them if that would be easier.  The program will then continue for next year 20 labels = 40 books.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week of Oct. 22nd

Reading - We have been working on building fluency in some of our reading groups by using reader's theatre scripts.  Last week, we practiced, Three Billy Goats Gruff.  The children had fun playing the characters. We video taped one group and they watched their performance.  We will video tape the other group this week.  Mrs. Ritch, our Reading Specialist, is working with two reading groups for the next few weeks while I will meet with the other groups. 

Writing - We are continuing to build on writing stories with a good beginning, middle, and end.  We talked about adding details, a hook, wrap-up and transition words to our writing.  We will continue making books this week while adding our new strategies to our writing.  I have been conferencing with each child about their writing and setting new writing goals.  Ask your child what their new goal is in writing.

Social Studies - We will be starting a new unit this week covering the election.  We will discuss the process of voting for our leaders and the job of the President.

Class Meetings - We started learning about the 7 Habits of healthy kids.  During our class meetings we are discussing the 7 habits from the book, 7 Habits of Healthy Kids, by Sean Covey.  So far, we have talked about the first 2 habits, "Be proactive, you're in charge of yourself," and "Begin with the end in mind."  Each of the 7 habits is important for building leadership in children.  We start by having a discussion, followed by the reading of a picture book that explains the habit, and a short reflection.These habits will be charted and hung in the room as we learn about each one.

Handwriting - We finished our handwriting books last week. The children brought them home on Friday.  Please use them as a guide for correct letter formation. We will continue to focus on correct letter formation throughout the year with more informal instruction.

Math - We will continue to practice addition and subtraction with sums to 12.  Please spend time helping your child begin to memorize their facts to 12. 

* If you have not turned in your conference form please do so by Wednesday.  I am looking forward to speaking to all of you on October 29th or November 1st. 
*Remember to turn in your permission slips for the Halloween parade.
*If you know a Veteran invite him/her to our assembly honoring all Veteran on Nov. 11th.
*Remember to turn in your service logs for any service hours that your child has completed.  If you went to Sunday Night Lights, that would count toward service hours.  Also, if your child has helped out a neighbor, or provided any service in the community, please keep track of the service. We are choosing a name from the service box in the hallway each week so that the children can have an opportunity to talk about their service on the Kennerly Morning Show. We will have copies of the form you need to help your child fill out in the office.  If you need a form e-mail or send a note and I'd be happy to send one home.

Powder Valley field trip

The students had so much fun identifying leaves and exploring nature.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Dr. Morgan was our Friday Friend

Conference Forms

Please return your conference confirmation forms by the end of the week.
You should have received a form last week stating the date and time of your parent conference.
Thank you!  I'm looking forward to sharing your child's progress with you.

Red Ribbon Week Oct. 22-October 26

Check out the schedule for Red Ribbon Week. It begins next week. The students should dress in clothes that represent the color of the day!

Field Trip October 18th

Please don't forget we have a field trip to Powder Valley this Thursday, October, 18th. It looks like it's going to be cool so dress your child for the weather.  We will spend a lot of time outdoors on the trail.
Also, please send a beach towel to school on Thursday so your child can sit on it during our first grade Kennerly picnic when we return. You may send a sack lunch or your child can still purchase a lunch from the cafeteria to take outside for our picnic. 
I have the following parents signed up to attend the field trip.  Please meet us at Kennerly and follow the bus to Powder Valley or meet us there by 9:15.

Mrs. Fialka
Mrs. Kraft
Mr. Little
Mrs. Ottens
Mrs. Schraut
Mrs. Smith
Stetzel Grandparent
Mr. Thomas

If you have not returned your permission slip please return it as soon as possible.  Also, let me know if you are interested in attending the trip.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

On Our Way To Powell Hall...

We learned about the different kinds of instruments used in the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra.  We saw them perform, Green Eggs and Ham.

We were so lucky to have Nurse Mirbaha join us!

Look What We're Learning...

We know all the ways to subtract from 9....

These are the 6 strategies that we use when we see a "tricky word."

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 18th Field Trip

Don't forget to send in your permission slip for our field trip next Thursday to Powder Valley.  The bus will leave Kennerly at 9:00 a.m. parents/grandparents are welcome to join us.  Please let me know if you would like to attend. We plan on being back to Kennerly about 11:20. You will need to meet us at Powder Valley by 9:15.
Please send your child to school with a beach towel to sit upon for our class picnic on the Kennerly grounds when we return.  You may send a lunch or your child may get a lunch from the cafeteria to take outside. 

October Birthdays

Look who has an October birthday...Happy birthday, Macy!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

My Website

Just a reminder that I have more information on the Lindbergh/Kennerly Website.  Use this link to check out some useful information.  I have more educational links under the "Interesting Web Resources" tab on the left. Check it out...


Your child should have brought home a new sight word/spelling list Friday if I felt that they were ready to move on based on the recent spelling checks.  If they did not bring home a list I will recheck them in a couple of days.  Some of the children made a few errors when incorporating the words into their writing. I want to make sure that they have a good grasp of the words before I move them up.
Keep watching their green take home folders for the next list to come home soon.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Friend

            Thanks to Mrs. Kraft for reading to us today!

Fire Safety

Thank you to Captain Barger, from the Mehlville Fire Department, and Kennerly parent  (Chase 2nd grade and Brock 3rd grade) for talking to our class about fire safety today.  We reflected on the fire safety tips that we learned after our discussion.  Look in our green take home folder to see what we learned!

First graders help Captain Barger get ready for a 911 call!

Captain Barger assures the students that he is still Captain Barger even though he may look scary in his fire safety gear.

Fire Safety Day!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Friday Friend

                  Thank you to Mrs. Godfrey for reading to our class.              

We Got a New Carpet for Our Classroom...

           We got a new carpet for our classroom.  Thank you Dr. Morgan!