Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week of Oct. 22nd

Reading - We have been working on building fluency in some of our reading groups by using reader's theatre scripts.  Last week, we practiced, Three Billy Goats Gruff.  The children had fun playing the characters. We video taped one group and they watched their performance.  We will video tape the other group this week.  Mrs. Ritch, our Reading Specialist, is working with two reading groups for the next few weeks while I will meet with the other groups. 

Writing - We are continuing to build on writing stories with a good beginning, middle, and end.  We talked about adding details, a hook, wrap-up and transition words to our writing.  We will continue making books this week while adding our new strategies to our writing.  I have been conferencing with each child about their writing and setting new writing goals.  Ask your child what their new goal is in writing.

Social Studies - We will be starting a new unit this week covering the election.  We will discuss the process of voting for our leaders and the job of the President.

Class Meetings - We started learning about the 7 Habits of healthy kids.  During our class meetings we are discussing the 7 habits from the book, 7 Habits of Healthy Kids, by Sean Covey.  So far, we have talked about the first 2 habits, "Be proactive, you're in charge of yourself," and "Begin with the end in mind."  Each of the 7 habits is important for building leadership in children.  We start by having a discussion, followed by the reading of a picture book that explains the habit, and a short reflection.These habits will be charted and hung in the room as we learn about each one.

Handwriting - We finished our handwriting books last week. The children brought them home on Friday.  Please use them as a guide for correct letter formation. We will continue to focus on correct letter formation throughout the year with more informal instruction.

Math - We will continue to practice addition and subtraction with sums to 12.  Please spend time helping your child begin to memorize their facts to 12. 

* If you have not turned in your conference form please do so by Wednesday.  I am looking forward to speaking to all of you on October 29th or November 1st. 
*Remember to turn in your permission slips for the Halloween parade.
*If you know a Veteran invite him/her to our assembly honoring all Veteran on Nov. 11th.
*Remember to turn in your service logs for any service hours that your child has completed.  If you went to Sunday Night Lights, that would count toward service hours.  Also, if your child has helped out a neighbor, or provided any service in the community, please keep track of the service. We are choosing a name from the service box in the hallway each week so that the children can have an opportunity to talk about their service on the Kennerly Morning Show. We will have copies of the form you need to help your child fill out in the office.  If you need a form e-mail or send a note and I'd be happy to send one home.

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