Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Few Reminders

We had a great first two days of school!  Please remember to send a healthy snack with your child each day.  Some of the children were sent home with a small plastic snack box Friday.  Please try to fill it with 5 snacks for next week.  I will send the box home every Friday to be refilled.  If you did not receive your box on Friday, I will send it home Monday.  You can just send a snack for Monday only and then fill the box for the rest of the week when you receive it.  I hope the boxes are big enough.  If not, let me know! I had trouble finding the right size this year!

Also, no flip flops in first grade.  We have problems with mulch sticking children in the foot.  Also, for safety on the playground and stairs it is best to wear tennis shoes every day!

Thank you for returning your child's green folder with lunch money or any notes (such as a change in transportaion for the day, Doctor, etc.) each day.  I will place notes, homework, special papers inside it each day too.  This is our "communication folder."

Don't forget to return the white "Me Bags" and "Stars" this week! Me Bags are due Monday (Tuesday is fine if you don't get them filled) and Stars are due Wednesday.

Our Library Day is going to be on Monday.  Please return Library books every Monday.  We will visit the Library for the first time this week.

I'm looking forward to our first full week together!

1 comment:

  1. I find the pencil boxes make great snack holders! The are just the right length for granola bars, and just the right depth for snack baggies of Goldfish crackers! Thanks for providing the boxes!!!
