Thursday, November 29, 2012

Working with our buddies

We met with our 4th grade buddies today. We are making nonfiction books about the animal that we researched and sending them to the new Library in Swaziland, Africa.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hot chocolate for a cause...

After breakfast with Santa, stop by and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate! Former student, Chase Barger (2nd grade) and his brother Brock (3rd grade) are selling hot chocolate. All the proceeds benefit St. Vincent DePaul Society. I am so proud of their service and compassion.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Add these apps to your iPhone or iPad

Spelling Bug
addition and Subtraction for Kids
Splash Math
Math Cards
Great for nightly homework or when you're on the go!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thank you to Ms. Hauser!

Thank you to Mrs. Hauser from NCADA for teaching us about our special qualities. We discovered the qualities in our peers and the uniqueness in ourselves. Ask your child to tell you what makes them special!

Happy Birthday, Peter!

Thank you to Mrs. Englund for reading to our class today for Peter's birthday!

Happy Birthday, Angela!

Thanks to Mrs. Fialka for coming in to read to us today on Angela's birthday!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Service Opportunities

Our Kennerly "Kiwanis Kids Club" is again adopting American Heroes to support and celebrate throughout this school year.  They will be sending cards. letters and care package items at their next K-Kids meeting, Wednesday, Novemebr 28.  They will ship the items to our 2 American Heroes.  One of our American Heroes is older brother to Kennerly second graders, Thomas and Katelyn Shaffer.  Nick Lombardo will deploy to Afghanistan next month.
Our second American Hero is an Army Platoon Medic, Chris.  He lives in Massachusetts.  He left for Afghanistan in September.  Kennerly sisters, Jessica and Sophia Miller, shared his story.
Please send in any donations by Wednesday, November 28th. Our class will also be making cards for the packages.

Thank you!

Also, don't forget to keep track of the exceptional service that your child is doing this year. Forms can be printed from the Kennerly website.  Encourage your child to write down any service that they complete and we will put that in a box in the hallway.  One student will be drawn from the box each week to share their story of service on the Kennerly Morning Show. We would love to have some first graders showing service!!

Does anyone want to join me in ringing bells (and singing some holiday tunes) for the Salvation Army???

I am signed up to ring bells in front of Macy's at the South County Mall from 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. on Friday, Novemebr 23rd. I would love to have some of my first graders join me for any amount of time. What a great way to show service during the busy holiday season!  If you're interested, send me an e-mail or simply show up in front of Macy's at the Lindbergh entrance and dress for the weather....If you have an extra bell that would be great too! Of course, parents need to stay....

Blake's Health Update

As you all know, Blake Smith, faces the challenge of managing his cystic fibrosis every day. Mrs. Smith recently shared some news with me that I would like to pass along to you.  Blake has
had the extra challenge of dealing with some extra medical issues.  It is best explained on his Caring Bridge page by his mother, Rebecca Smith.
Please read more about Blake's current health issues and keep Blake and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Blake is a brave boy and we all learn so much from him every day in our classroom. You can continue to check Caring Bridge for updates on his condition...

Mrs. Smith was our Friday Friend on November 9th.  Thanks for coming in to read to our class!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Service Learning With Our Buddies

Today we met with our 4th grade buddy class (Mrs. Dimetro) and started a service learning project together.   The students are making a nonfiction book with their buddy to donate to a new African Library.  This is a part of a district- wide book drive that is led by our Lindbergh Librarians.  You may donate new or gently used books or create your own books for the project.  We thought it would be a great learning opportunity for our students to create their own nonfiction animal books while increasing literacy in children living in Africa.
Today, the children selected a book from our Library to learn more about their animal.  We will meet several more times to continue, researching, writing, editing, revising, and publishing our books.  We will then send our authored books to the children in Swaziland, Africa. We'll keep you posted as our project continues....The children are very excited!!!

updates and reminders

November 12th -  Veteran's Day assembly at 9:15 -  Please send your child to school wearing red, white, and blue in honor of this day. You are welcome to join us for the assembly honoring our heroes.

Nov. 16th -  Picture Retake Day - We will also have photographers in our building taking pictures of some of the students to replace the pictures in our hallways.  Not all children will be photographed.  It will just be a few from several classrooms.  We won't know who until that day...

Nov. 23rd - 27th - Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 1st -  Breakfast with Santa from 9:00 -1:00. I hope you can join us for this fun event. We are collecting donations for the raffles.  Our class is collecting donations for "outdoor sports" (balls, jump ropes, etc.). Please send in your donations by next Friday, Nov. 16th.

Dec 5th  -  early 1:40 dismissal.

Dec. 18th - 1st-3rd grade Holiday Concert in the gym.  Please plan to join us and watch your child sing. This is a time to wear their nice holiday clothes.  All grades will be performing. First grade will perform at 9:30.

*Please consider replacing your child's markers and crayons at this time.  Many of them are running low.

Allie Lankford has moved and is no longer in our class.  We will miss her!  We now have 17 students!

Writer's Workshop
We are almost finished publishing our next book.  Your child may be bringing home the other books they have been making during Writer's Workshop today or early next week.  They will bring home their "published" book next Wednesday after our Author Celebration.

Author Celebration - Wednesday, Nov. 14th - We are going to invite our Buddies! -