Friday, November 9, 2012

Service Learning With Our Buddies

Today we met with our 4th grade buddy class (Mrs. Dimetro) and started a service learning project together.   The students are making a nonfiction book with their buddy to donate to a new African Library.  This is a part of a district- wide book drive that is led by our Lindbergh Librarians.  You may donate new or gently used books or create your own books for the project.  We thought it would be a great learning opportunity for our students to create their own nonfiction animal books while increasing literacy in children living in Africa.
Today, the children selected a book from our Library to learn more about their animal.  We will meet several more times to continue, researching, writing, editing, revising, and publishing our books.  We will then send our authored books to the children in Swaziland, Africa. We'll keep you posted as our project continues....The children are very excited!!!

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