Friday, November 9, 2012

updates and reminders

November 12th -  Veteran's Day assembly at 9:15 -  Please send your child to school wearing red, white, and blue in honor of this day. You are welcome to join us for the assembly honoring our heroes.

Nov. 16th -  Picture Retake Day - We will also have photographers in our building taking pictures of some of the students to replace the pictures in our hallways.  Not all children will be photographed.  It will just be a few from several classrooms.  We won't know who until that day...

Nov. 23rd - 27th - Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 1st -  Breakfast with Santa from 9:00 -1:00. I hope you can join us for this fun event. We are collecting donations for the raffles.  Our class is collecting donations for "outdoor sports" (balls, jump ropes, etc.). Please send in your donations by next Friday, Nov. 16th.

Dec 5th  -  early 1:40 dismissal.

Dec. 18th - 1st-3rd grade Holiday Concert in the gym.  Please plan to join us and watch your child sing. This is a time to wear their nice holiday clothes.  All grades will be performing. First grade will perform at 9:30.

*Please consider replacing your child's markers and crayons at this time.  Many of them are running low.

Allie Lankford has moved and is no longer in our class.  We will miss her!  We now have 17 students!

Writer's Workshop
We are almost finished publishing our next book.  Your child may be bringing home the other books they have been making during Writer's Workshop today or early next week.  They will bring home their "published" book next Wednesday after our Author Celebration.

Author Celebration - Wednesday, Nov. 14th - We are going to invite our Buddies! -

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